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denebola star,beta leonis

Denebola, Beta Leonis (β Leo), is a white main sequence star located in the constellation Leo. With an apparent magnitude of 2.113, it is the… Read More »Denebola


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hamal star,alpha arietis

Hamal, Alpha Arietis (α Ari) is an orange giant star located in the constellation Aries. With an apparent magnitude of 2.00, it is the brightest… Read More »Hamal


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Mirach star,Beta Andromedae

Mirach, Beta Andromedae (β And), is a red giant star located in the constellation Andromeda. With a mean apparent magnitude of 2.05, it is one… Read More »Mirach


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pollux star,beta geminorum,brightest star in gemini

Pollux, Beta Geminorum (β Gem), is an orange giant star located in the constellation Gemini. With an apparent magnitude of 1.14, it is the brightest… Read More »Pollux


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nunki star,sigma sagittarii

Nunki, Sigma Sagittarii (σ Sgr), is a hot blue-white main sequence star located in the constellation Sagittarius. It is the second brightest star in the… Read More »Nunki