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alnilam star,epsilon orionis

Alnilam, Epsilon Orionis (ε Ori), is a bright blue supergiant star located approximately 1,180 light-years away in the constellation Orion. With an average apparent magnitude… Read More »Alnilam

Tau Ceti

tau ceti star

Tau Ceti (τ Cet) is a yellow main sequence star located in the constellation Cetus. With an apparent magnitude of 3.50, it is visible to… Read More »Tau Ceti

R Aquarii

r aquarii,r aquarii star system,r aquarii hubble

R Aquarii (R Aqr) is a symbiotic star system located approximately 711 light-years away in the zodiac constellation Aquarius. At its brightest, it shines at… Read More »R Aquarii


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rigel,beta orionis

Rigel, Beta Orionis (β Ori), is a blue-white supergiant star located approximately 848 light-years away in the constellation Orion, the Hunter. With an apparent magnitude of… Read More »Rigel


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TRAPPIST-1 is a cool red dwarf located 40.66 light-years away in the constellation Aquarius. The star hosts seven known extrasolar planets, discovered in 2016 and… Read More »TRAPPIST-1