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Cor Caroli

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cor caroli star,Alpha Canum Venaticorum

Cor Caroli, Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum (α2 CVn), is the primary component in a binary star system located in the northern constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting… Read More »Cor Caroli


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vindemiatrix star,epsilon virginis

Vindemiatrix, Epsilon Virginis (ε Vir), is a yellow giant star located in the constellation Virgo. With an apparent magnitude of 2.826, it is the third… Read More »Vindemiatrix


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regor star,gamma velorum

Gamma Velorum (γ Vel), informally known as Regor, is a multiple star system located in the southern constellation Vela. With a combined apparent magnitude of… Read More »Regor